228 West Main St • Batavia, NY • 14020

Trending Bouquets in Batavia, NY | Beverly's Flowers & Gifts

Shop popular Floral occasions | Same Day, Fresh Flower Delivery in NY 14020

Beverly's Flowers & Gifts
228 West Main St
Batavia, NY 14020
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Daniel RippelDaniel Rippel
4 weeks ago
Called and purchased a Christmas wreath for mothers/ brother headstone in St. Joseph Cemetery. After a search that was surely difficult, they found it. Thanks to Rylee and Russ for there time for they went way above and beyond the call of duty. For me being out of state, they did good. Wife and I appreciate the time they took to take care of this for us. THANKS AGAIN Daniel & Cindy Rippel Little Rock, Arkansas
Daniel RippelDaniel Rippel
last month
Called and purchased a Christmas wreath for mothers/ brother headstone in St. Joseph Cemetery. After a search that was surely difficult, they found it. Thanks to Rylee and Russ for there time for they went way above and beyond the call of duty. For me being out of state, they did good. Wife and I appreciate the time they took to take care of this for us. THANKS AGAIN Daniel & Cindy Rippel Little Rock, Arkansas
Robin HeizykRobin Heizyk
last month
My daughter has this bouquet sent to me for my birthday.😀 It's beautiful (she knows I love purple)! Thank you 💜💜
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